Overall Risk Rating :

Organization level and Business Entity Level

Approved {{ $allCounts['getApprovalRisk'] ?? ''}}%
Rejected {{ $allCounts['getRejectedRisk'] ?? ''}}%
All {{ $allCounts['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}%
Rag Status
{{ $allCounts['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}

Risk Rating

Approved {{ $allCounts['getApprovalRisk'] ?? ''}}%
Rejected {{ $allCounts['getRejectedRisk'] ?? ''}}%
All {{ $allCounts['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}%
Risk out of Tolerance
{{ $allCounts['getApprovalRisk'] ?? ''}}
Risk Awaiting Assesment
{{ $allCounts['getRejectedRisk'] ?? ''}}
Assessed Risk
{{ $allCounts['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
RCSA Information
Risk Assessment not Started
{{ $allCounts['getPendingRcsa'] ?? '' }}

RCSA Rating

Pending {{ $allCounts['getPendingRcsa'] ?? ''}}%
Ongoing {{ $allCounts['getOngoingRcsa'] ?? ''}}%
Approved {{ $allCounts['getApprovalRcsa'] ?? ''}}%
Rejected {{ $allCounts['getRejectedRcsa'] ?? ''}}%
Risk Assessment Awaiting Assessment
{{ $allCounts['getOngoingRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Risk Assessment Awaiting Approval
{{ $allCounts['getRejectedRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Completed Risk Assessment
{{ $allCounts['getApprovalRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Loss Event Info
Risk Open Events
{{ $allCounts['getOpenLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Events Awaiting Approval
{{ $allCounts['getCloseLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Open Event over 1 Mil USD
{{ $allCounts['getOverMilLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Open Event by Category
{{ $allCounts['getAllLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Issues and Action
Open Issues
{{ $allCounts['getOpenActions'] ?? '' }}
Open Action Items
{{ $allCounts['getCloseActions'] ?? '' }}
Overdue Issues
{{ $allCounts['getOverDueActions'] ?? '' }}
Issue Status
{{ $allCounts['getAllActions'] ?? '' }}
Rag Status (approved/rejected)
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}
Risk out of Tolerance
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getApprovalRisk'] ?? ''}}
Risk Awaiting Assesment
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getRejectedRisk'] ?? ''}}
Assessed Risk (approved/rejected)
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getAllRisk'] ?? ''}}
RCSA Information
Risk Assessment not Started
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getPendingRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Risk Assessment Awaiting Assessment
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getOngoingRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Risk Assessment Awaiting Approval
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getRejectedRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Completed Risk Assessment
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getApprovalRcsa'] ?? '' }}
Loss Event Info
Risk Open Events
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getOpenLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Events Awaiting Approval
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getCloseLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Open Event over 1 Mil USD
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getOverMilLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Open Event by Category
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getAllLossEvent'] ?? '' }}
Issues and Action
Open Issues
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getOpenActions'] ?? '' }}
Open Action Items
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getCloseActions'] ?? '' }}
Overdue Issues
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getOverDueActions'] ?? '' }}
Issue Status
{{ $fetchDeptCount['getAllActions'] ?? '' }}